Comprehension Strategies Using The Gift
This unit will revise some of the key reading comprehension strategies using ‘The Gift’ by Michael Speechley. This book explores the themes of kindness, empathy and friendship. Students will develop their understanding of predicting, inferring, making connections, summarising, and how illustrations add meaning to a text. These lessons can also be completed as a stand alone lesson and with another text of choice.

Comprehension Strategies Using The Gift
This unit will revise some of the key reading comprehension strategies using ‘The Gift’ by Michael Speechley. This book explores the themes of kindness, empathy and friendship. Students will develop their understanding of predicting, inferring, making connections, summarising, and how illustrations add meaning to a text. These lessons can also be completed as a stand alone lesson and with another text of choice.
Download Unit Summary- What strategies does a good reader use to comprehend a book?
- Sustainability
- Literacy
- Critical and Creative thinking
- Personal and Social Capability